After a body massage treatment, these reactions are very normal and common and are often caused by a release of toxins or dehydration:
• Headaches
• Muscle aches
• Runny noses
• Excessive elimination through sweating or urine
Our client is advised to rest quietly after a treatment and to drink lots of water to flush out toxins and to rehydrate.
Tea, coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks should be avoided as these are diuretics and can aggravate the reaction mentioned above.
Heat treatments like sauna stream and Jacuzzi’s should be avoided as the blood pressure may be lowered and could cause dizziness or fainting.
The client should also be encouraged to return for further massage treatments which would help him to be more relaxed and increase the other benefits of the treatment .
General lifestyle advice will be also offered.
A good diet is central to overall good health yet many forget the specifics of a healthy diet.
We also recommend that our clients exercise regularly to avoid obesity, heart diseases, and other life-limiting conditions.